welcome to the

university of southampton
students' union (SUSU)

independent of the university

Our vision for the future is that every student loves their time at southampton

Latest Updates

the latest news and updates

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Latest Events

what's happening today and this week

We are

opportunities, places, representation, support

Eat. Drink. Shop

visit our bars, cafe and shops

The Bridge is a great destination for a bite to eat and fresh coffee

The Stag's offers great value drinks and food deals, plus live sport

The Shop sells everything from lunch to stationery to last-minute gifts

Our Sabbatical Team

elected by students, for students

Picture of Lawrence Coomber

Lawrence Coomber


Union President

Picture of Emily Dugdale

Emily Dugdale


Vice President Activities

Picture of Rebecca Would

Rebecca Would


Vice President Education and Democracy

Picture of Conor White

Conor White


Vice President Sports

Picture of Lottie James

Lottie James


Vice President Welfare and Community